Hihi! Cat's walking all over me T^T;
So that DOWNTOWN TUMBLR! page.. still have not exercised but I did use the shopping list... Although a lot of what it was aksing me for I honestly don't eat..
So FOOD wise this is what I purchased..
Sour cream and onion pringles - snack
Rasberry Figs - snack
Garlic Powder - Is it true seasonings have 0 calories?
Fruit cocltail in natural pear juice - snack/desserte
Roast Beef Ramen - lunch at work. It's cheap! 2/$1.00!!
Taco Cheese - I make AWESOME beef patties! aside from the frying in oil..and excessive amount of grease and oil they're not that bad, really! :P
Small seedless watermellon - snack/desserte
Carrots - snack
Oranges - snack
Apples - snack
Onions- I LOVE onions..!
Hamburger - for beef patties/hamburgers. I should have gotten turkey but oh well :x
Hot Dogs - the general kinds; I've been craving PORK AND BEANS recently... D:
Country-style pork ribs - dinner or lunch.. BBQ em' or bake em'
Whole wheat english muffins - use instead of bread and buns!
2% Milk - Anything else makes me wanna' barf. Whole is too thick and skim.. well...let's not go there.
Greek Yogurt - Breakfast/snack
Low fat ranch dressing - for the carrots, DUH!
Water - 48x bottles! I love water!
Pork and Beans - for the hot dogs! :D
Adobe, Sazon - seasonsings for general cooking / beef patties
Ice Cream - $1.00 each! Mini cups of one serving ice creams!
Frozen Dinners - Smart Start and some othe kind-mainly diet-related dinners. For work.
So yeah, I strayed from the shopping list because, idealistcly, I work 4 days a week, 12 hours a day. I go food shopping once every 45-60 days. I don't really have the time to prepare a healthy meal for work. And financally.. Work refuses OT now so I'm making $200.00 less a month. It costs $$$$$ to eat healthy, be healthy. I'm doing me best with what I have. There's always room for inprovment!
I did purchace some persoanl things and some nom-noms for Bandit and Whiskers.. They'll nhave to wait for that! And I forgot pineapple juice!!! UGH!
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