Saturday, April 21, 2012

This month in ALLURE...



Posting on my phone so please excuses me. I'm currently working full time and going to the gym 5 days/week right now. :) very busy... I have made a few new purchaces but noting to scream about. Weight loss kind of defeats the purpouse of buying anything.. :(

Plus I'm so exhausted I spend all my time sleeping. Maybe I should retire this blog... I'm never here!

Aside from that I did reverse tye-dye for the 1st time...


who knows. Once the weather gets nicer I might start dressing up again.. It just sucks because work/gym/no time to day anything/sweaty. Do you girls wear make when exercising? I'm talking some serious sweat...haha...


On a side note May 13th is my birthday!



1 comment:

  1. Hello!!!
    Nice blog!!!
    I just found it!

    I made a blog a month ago and i would appreciate it if you could check it out and follow if you like it!

    It is

    Oh btw i took part in a contest for a trip in Korea.The winner will be decided on the views of his video.
    So i would really appreciate it if you could check it out and tell your friends to check it out to!
    Thank you!!!

    The link is this! Korea Contest
