Sunday, July 24, 2011




I wanted to discuss some things I've found along with what I'm starting today..!


I've been surfing the web for plus size models in outfits/outfit ideas for plus size women.. After about 2 days I found these 4 items... These are things I would wear..
I love this, I would wear this. X-nay the scarf. Maybe a little bit more lacy top.. I'm indifferent on the wash of the jean. I would wear low wedge shoes with this. I don't have any handhelp purses like that.

Love -EVERYTHING- about this! Some tears wouldnt hurt in the jeans, also nice as is!

Love it all, maybe not RED jeans..

Lower shoes>>PERFECT! So frilly.. not too sure on the coat/rug looking thing. D:
Cute earings!!


I have a suck-ass collection of bags and acceories. I have a crap-load of earings (nothing too fancy ) and some cute necklaces.. nothing too big or fancy. I have a large collection of flip fops. :D

when in the city I plan on buying a pair or two of shoes I can wear comfertably and look cute!

Also stocking up on some braclets and real rings. Maybe a newcklace/earings.. Hair acceories? I'm not sure how I feel about that. I do have a really cute cap

Please, if you see anything you think would look good please don't hesitate to show me!



Thats right! Every day (Maybe a day off here and there for rest..)  after work/day off I am using the wii-fit (Do -all- exercises once or twice..or more) for 1+ hours a day along with others and ZUMBA dance game. I'm nyxing all bad eating habbits and cutting on smoking (I know I should quit but it's not that easy lol.)

My main goal the the moment is 2 lbs a week for when I go shopping in NYC--That'll be a total of 22 lbs! Because I'm bigger I may drop more in the next 11 weeks. In the long term.. get to a healthy weight and stay there. (Its sad, I may need a tuck!)

I already started my bank savings. Because I had to deposite a large about to start the account I have no money. So I can't go food shopping.. :( I'm going to like, fast for the next week.. There are some things laying around that I could cook healthy.. not much to work with.

So drinking ONLY water! Considring vitamins. No fried, no sweets, no fast food, no tv-dinners.. Cooking healthy from scratch. Lots of salads. When I have the money for it...anyway..

I did take Before pictures. I'm going to keep them in the dark till October when i take after pics..

Not sure if I'll post them. :<

This is why it is important I go shopping!


I used me to bigger and I see myself getting back to that stage in my life... Also... my Grandmother is dieing and the last thing she asked me to do a while back was lose some weight. I know she's only concerned about me but she's always had my best intrests in mind. I was to show her I'm doing it before she's gone. They're saying 6 Months so... :/


Wish me luck!

FIGHTING! (I love Sam Soon <3)



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